Arts and Design

Arts and Design banner image

Essential Skills:

  • Communication
  • Personal & Social Responsibility
  • Critical Thinking

3 credit hours

One course from the list below.

a piano is trying to break a molecule
is trying to lift the stage into orbit
around the red spotlights

Victor Hernández Cruz, Latin & Soul
  • Explore how diverse human values and experiences contribute to the making and uses of art.
  • Explain the cultural sources and outcomes of creativity in the arts and design
  • Design a performance, a work of art, a landscape or building
  • Identify how arts and design are produced and how they affect different people and communities.

For qualified students who meet the necessary pre-requisites and placement, upper-division courses at the appropriate level may be taken in fulfillment of general education in this area. Students with advanced skills in an area can work with their advisor and departmental faculty to identify the appropriate level and course.


Course NumberNameDescription
ARCH 1120Introduction to Architecture
ARCH 2151Design Thinking
ARTH 1120Introduction to Art
ARTH 2110History of Art I
ARTH 2120History of Art II
ARTS 1143Introduction to Art and Ecology
ARTS 1220Art Practices I
ARTS 1410Introduction to Photography
ARTS 1510Introduction to Electronic Arts
ARTS 1610Drawing I
ARTS 1810Jewelry and Small Metal Construction I
ARTS 1840Sculpture I
CCST 1125Chicana/o Latina/o Musical Cultures and Expressions
DANC 1110Dance Appreciation
DANC 1140Flamenco I
DANC 1170Hip Hop I
FDMA 2110Introduction to Film Studies
HNRS 2113Fine Arts as Global Perspective
MUSC 1120Music Appreciation: Rock and Roll
MUSC 1130Music Appreciation: Western Music
MUSC 2790Digital Music Production and Design I
THEA 1110Introduction to Theatre
THEA 1220Beginning Acting

*These courses are only offered through the UNM Branch Campuses.